Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time
Fall Faith Forum - 6 week program
“Who do YOU say that I am?”
That question, addressed to Jesus’ disciples, was a watershed moment for them all. With Peter’s response, “You are the Christ . . .”, the die was cast. That confession implied their mission!
So who do WE say Jesus is?
For six weeks during the Faith Forum time, we will be taking a look at Jesus, as presented in the Gospels. Our reference point will be Marcus Borg’s book "Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time" (available at some libraries, and online).
Borg describes how the Gospels present Jesus:
(1) a Spirit person;
(2) a teacher of wisdom;
(3) a social prophet; and
(4) a movement founder. Borg argues that he was all of those. But we may gravitate to one facet or another . . . and how might that help us understand our mission?
You don’t have to purchase the book, but it will help your understanding! In any case, be sure to stay after Coffee Hour on Sunday to join the discussion, and “Meet Jesus Again for the First Time”!
session materials
Session 1 Video
Session 2 Video
Session 3 Video
Session 4 Video Part 1
Session 4 video - part 2
Session 5 video
Session 6 Video