Serving in Worship

Worship in the Episcopal Church is created through the art and work of many dedicated people. Good Shepherd's Worship Ministry is a wonderful way to grow in service and faith by being intimately involved in the worship experience. There are many volunteer positions available which are described below. If you are interested in serving in one of these roles, you can contact our office at 303-740-2688, or one of the contacts listed below


- How would you like to serve in worship? -

Lector (reader)

A lector reads scripture and leads prayers during one of our services. The position of lector is open to adults, teens, and children in fourth grade and above. Training for this ministry is provided on an as needed basis. If you or your child is interested in experiencing the joy of leading the congregation in scripture readings or prayers, please contact Arden Larsen for more information.



An acolyte serves as Crucifer (carries cross during procession and recession), Banner Bearer and Torch Bearer during a celebration of Holy Eucharist and assists the clergy at all worship services. This position is open to adults, teens, and children in 4th grade and above. Call the office at 303-740-2688 for more information.

eucharistic minister

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) help serve the wine and/or bread during worship services. This ministry is a way of serving that is both personal and public, reverent and joyful. Administering the body and blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ offers the unique opportunity to connect with God as well as our church community. Interested in learning more? Contact Arden Larsen for more information.



Altar Guild

Good Shepherd's Altar Guild prepares the altar and the church for worship. The ministry involves organizing and beautifying the Sanctuary by caring for the altar, vestments (robes), vessels, and altar linens of the parish, and cleaning up after services. If you are interested in helping with this understated, yet vital ministry, please contact Nan Behringer for more information. 



Greeters are usually the first people you will see when entering our church for Sunday worship services. They serve an important role of helping both our visitors and parishioners feel welcome and comfortable at Good Shepherd. They are there to welcome you with a smile and a hello upon entering, help direct and meet newcomers, and to offer their knowledge and excitement for the many opportunities available to spread God's love at Good Shepherd. All it takes to help with this ministry is a willing, and welcoming heart. Contact Joe Gavlik for more information.



Every church and worship space is different; our ushers' mission is to enable worshippers at Good Shepherd to easily and fully engage in our services. We assist worshippers by distributing bulletins, helping people find a seat, guiding people to communion, collecting and counting the offering, and caring for unexpected needs during the service. If you would like to help with this ministry, please contact Chuck & Sue Kelley.


Healing Prayer Ministers

Good Shepherd's healing prayer ministry takes place one Sunday a month during each of our worship services. Our healing prayer ministers pray with parishioners in a quiet, private setting immediately after they receive the Sacrament of Communion. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, contact Christina Blackburn.

singers & Musicians

We have plenty of opportunities for musicians of all abilities. Singers and instrumentalists can choose between our choir, our two acoustic worship groups, our bell choir or our men's choir.  Some people choose to be part of more than one of these groups, and others choose to participate on a more limited basis as a guest musician or vocalist. 

All of our directors are very friendly and willing to work with newcomers - even if you are a beginner. Many of our musicians learned to play an instrument while in our groups, and many have their first experiences learning to read music.

See the Music Ministries page for more information about musical opportunities at Good Shepherd.