And . . . we begin again!

Like many of you, I love making that last turn coming down Highway 36 into Estes Park . . . where there’s a turnout and a sign announcing your arrival. The view of the town, with Rocky Mountain National Park in the distance never fails to make me catch my breath. I know, when I’m driving that way, that there are adventures ahead. But the first time I rounded that curve, I was a little tentative, not knowing what was before me.

New Program: Altars in the World

We are excited to announce a new ministry/fellowship/learning opportunity for the good folks of Good Shepherd and their friends. We have decided to call it “Altars in the World” (adapted, with her permission, from the title of Barbara Brown Taylor’s book An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith; HarperOne, 2010).

Our goal is to provide “field trips” into the natural world, perhaps with a knowledgeable guide, to help participants appreciate the glory and beauty of nature in a more in-depth way. For example, we may have a bird-watching excursion.

Raising Children in Faith

In 2021, we live in a world that is often fast moving around us. The American society, even in the aftermath of isolation caused by the impact of a pandemic, likes to be busy and yet even in a world filled with people around us and plates full of extracurricular activities, there can be times where we and our children can still feel completely alone. For us, we believe this is one of many factors that shows the importance of raising our children in a faith tradition.

As I See It: Back to Normal?

Well, here we are, anticipating September, which usually means the “back to school” season. Even if we are long past attending school … in the days when that meant a predictable schedule … the world around us reminds us that this IS the season. School supplies sales at stores, TV ads for school clothes, kids and busses, and slowing down in school zones. And, oh yes, cooler weather and leaves turning color.

Ministry Update: Children's Ministries

It has been a challenging 16 plus months to say the least! After 15 months of leading Godly Play via ZOOM, we resumed holding Godly Play (in the Parish Hall) on June 20, beginning at 10:00 and joining families in the sanctuary after the Prayers of the People. We have yet to move downstairs to our regular classrooms, but remaining upstairs allows for social distancing and great ventilation. Masks are required for all kids and adults as we are gathering together over the summer to learn about some of the Parables that Jesus told his disciples and the people around him. The older elementary kids continue to meet via ZOOM until September 12, which is the planned Sunday to resume in person gathering for all of children’s ministry.

Wrapping People in Love

One of the behind the scenes, less visible, yet important ministries of Good Shepherd is our Prayer Shawl Ministry. Many of you may not even be aware of this beautiful, creative ministry that touches both our members, and people in our greater community. Prayer shawls are simply knitted or chrocheted shawls that are lovingly made by members of our congregation to then be blessed by Fr. Gary and delivered to people in need of comfort. This ministry works in two ways; you can “make a shawl” to help others, or “take a shawl” to offer to others.

Volunteer Spotlight: Emma Blackburn

My name is Emma Blackburn. I am going into my sophomore year of college at Fort Hays State University in Hays, Kansas. My major is Elementary Education with a minor is Special Education. While in Hays I go to Saint Michael’s Episcopal Church where I am serving as the children’s minister. At Good Shepherd, I currently help with Godly Play, am a reader, Eucharistic minister, and acolyte.

Hurray For Us! Building Improvements Abound Thanks to all of You

While we were all tucked away during the pandemic, there were many building improvement projects happening behind the scenes at Good Shepherd. Many of you may not realize just how much we have accomplished in the last year and a half, so we’d like to take this opportunity to “toot our own horn” and thank all of you because your financial contributions made this possible.


A few weeks ago, my son graduated from high school. As most parents know, that’s such a wonderful milestone to observe. Years of preparation, joy, frustration—all receive their “due” when that diploma is handed over. But, it is also a marker of some other things. According to the government, at age 18 the young person gains control of his/her medical records (even if the parents still insure them!). At age 18, registering for Selective Service implies being old enough to go to battle for our country. In short, turning 18, or graduating from high school, suggests the changing nature of the relationship between parent and child.

Finding God in Nature

God speaks to me…. on the water as I paddle across the reservoir, in the clouds formations I see, in the bird sounds that I hear and in the warmth I feel from the sun on my skin. Yes, on the water is my “happy place” having grown up sailing in Florida. I feel God’s strength and power in the awesome winds that power our sailboat, in the terrific thunder and lightning which sweeps across the bay. Being on the water touches all my senses… taste is more evident in Florida where I can taste the salt in the air but there is still that feeling of wonderful exhaustion after a day on the water. God is with me.

Volunteer Spotlight: Kip Travis

I began attending Good Shepherd in 1996 shortly after the death of my older sister Betsy who I was very close with. Despite always attending Episcopal churches I had never really fully engaged myself in a congregation. Quite accidentally (see Holy Spirit), I developed a friendship with an Episcopal minister who became a good friend and counselor and he recommended I check out the Men’s Group at Good Shepherd. Twenty-five years later, the Men’s Group has been and continues to be a core part of my life. The sharing of life experiences, support and brotherhood have been some of the gifts I found in the Men’s Group that helped me for the first time really join a congregation.

We Want You!

YES! We’re all preparing to re-enter the non-COVID world, including our teams at Good Shepherd. The break-in-pattern that COVID created had effects on all of us, effects that many of us couldn’t have predicted. Some of those were not good (like the dreaded “COVID-19”). Others were much more beneficial (like many of us getting to know our nearby parks and open spaces better). In some cases, the break from routine, just simply seemed like a logical time to “take a break”.