While we were all tucked away during the pandemic, there were many building improvement projects happening behind the scenes at Good Shepherd. Many of you may not realize just how much we have accomplished in the last year and a half, so we’d like to take this opportunity to “toot our own horn” and thank all of you because your financial contributions made this possible.
Improvement List:
New data closet and file room in basement
New Prayer Shawl Ministry Cabinet in Sanctuary
New Handbell Cabinet thanks to Curt Watson!
New back patio and walkway
New fiber optic internet cable for high-speed internet and better Wi-Fi coverage and cell phone use in the building, including the basement
New filters for furnaces and A/C units
New Voice-over-internet phone system
New alarm monitoring and building inspections
New data closet and file room for finance and Vestry records, and music library
New hand bell cabinets, designed and built by Curt Watson, for the Chapel
New front doors are ordered, with new locks to be installed
Engineering study Re: cracks in sanctuary and sinking concrete
Replaced the patio, installed with proper drainage away from the building
Added a six-foot wide sidewalk from the patio to the back building entrance
Resurfaced and restriped the parking lot, adding three more handicapped spaces
New signage will be installed for handicapped and visitor spaces
New poles are being installed in order to hang the shade sails on our new patio
Other outside concrete and drainage issues are also to be addressed
The Digital Task Force is working to upgrade technology in the sanctuary
Partnered with Wompost to add a compost bin outside the kitchen door
Moved a new cabinet into the sanctuary to store prayer shawls, yarn, and ministry information