We Want You!


YES! We’re all preparing to re-enter the non-COVID world, including our teams at Good Shepherd. The break-in-pattern that COVID created had effects on all of us, effects that many of us couldn’t have predicted. Some of those were not good (like the dreaded “COVID-19”). Others were much more beneficial (like many of us getting to know our nearby parks and open spaces better). In some cases, the break from routine, just simply seemed like a logical time to “take a break”.

What that has meant is that many of our teams are desperately in need of able minds/hands/bodies. Some of our acolytes have graduated and moved on. Some of our lectors have simply moved! Others have changed focus. But we are looking to give you an opportunity to stretch your ministry muscles. Over the next few weeks, there will be some specific needs identified, but in this issue of the ‘Skin, you’ll see that Sue LeFant needs volunteers to help teach our elementary school-aged kids. I know we need more folks in the Altar Guild. But there will be more.

Good Shepherd’s “Why” is all about building relationships. And some of the strongest relationships are formed around engaging in common work. So pray about how you might bring your gifts of time and talent to bear!