Susie took this photo of her parents on the Aurora Reservoir.
God speaks to me…. on the water as I paddle across the reservoir, in the clouds formations I see, in the bird sounds that I hear and in the warmth I feel from the sun on my skin. Yes, on the water is my “happy place” having grown up sailing in Florida. I feel God’s strength and power in the awesome winds that power our sailboat, in the terrific thunder and lightning which sweeps across the bay. Being on the water touches all my senses… taste is more evident in Florida where I can taste the salt in the air but there is still that feeling of wonderful exhaustion after a day on the water. God is with me.
So, one may wonder how I could leave Florida and be landlocked for the last thirty years… I have still found the water, if not the ocean… the rivers, lakes and reservoirs. And of course, there is the rain… so plentiful on this Memorial Day weekend. The sound of the rain is soothing as I lie in bed hearing it on the roof and on the ground outside my window. It is powerful as I hear the thunder and my dog scurries behind the couch. God is in the rain… soothing and powerful!
Finding God in nature does not require a paddleboard or a boat, hiking boots or stamina to climb a fourteener. I have found God in simple moments … walking my dog and intentionally being mindful of the trees around me. The rabbits are plentiful in our neighborhood, and I sense God’s presence. After a fresh snow, I marvel at the “crystals” surrounding the branches or even the morning dew evident on a spider’s web.
Cross at Cathedral Ridge
Having served one term on the vestry at Good Shepherd, I had the opportunity to experience Cathedral Ridge, the Diocesan camp near Woodland Park outside of Colorado Springs, in February. We, the vestry, spent many hours discerning strategic direction especially during my first two years on the vestry as Fr. Craig announced his impending retirement and we were tasked with a rector search. Though we rarely had a break on our vestry retreat, when we were gifted with breaks, I quickly laced up my snow boots and hit the trails. We were fortunate to be at Cathedral Ridge after and during a large snowfall. If you ever have the opportunity to visit Cathedral Ridge, be sure to walk the trail which leads you to the fourteen stations of the cross as well as the outdoor chapel.
Indian Paintbrush wild flower taken at the top of Peak 10 in Breckenridge.
Again, I find such strength and serenity in nature. God is with me… in the trees-the delicate features of each pine needle and bud and the grandeur as they tower over me reaching upward, the smell of the ponderosa pines, the sound of the woodland birds and the feel of the ground beneath my feet.
One of my favorite sayings is, “the journey is the destination” … I think I first saw this on a t-shirt I got from the Breckenridge Nordic Center. How true! I often hear God saying those words to me when I find myself caught up in making lists of things to accomplish or reviewing work tasks as I walk and completely miss out on my surroundings. God is saying to me, “pay attention to the journey… it is not about checking off all the things on your list or reaching the destination.” This is what mindfulness is… paying attention, being intentional. So, when I catch myself going through my mental to-do lists as I walk the dog, I have to stop myself and pick one thing to notice… The trees, the sounds of the birds, the critters along the way… the journey is the destination and God is with me on the journey.
I am comfortable in solitude in nature with God. But to be honest, where I find God most is in community. I marvel at the small moments—meeting a neighbor at the park at dusk and stopping by another neighbor’s home and visiting on the fly. Moments with my nephew when he tells me, “Suz, put the phone down, [be present with me].” I certainly find God in nature, but I am fully aware of God when feeling the warmth of others with me.