Worship Experiences for Children & Youth

light up our services by being an acolyte

Acolytes are those who lead us into worship by carrying crosses, banners, and candles. Acolytes play an important role in setting the tone for worship. This ministry allows your children to play a leadership role in worship while getting to know other children in the congregation. Acolytes, like the rest of those serving at the altar party, wear a white robe and a cross which is provided by the church. The camaraderie of the young people who serve together is a meaningful by-product of their service together as well.

Contact the church office to learn how you can get trained to be involved.

read scripture or prayers during services as a lector

As Lectors, your children will read scripture or prayers during worship for the whole congregation to hear. The process of reading aloud during worship offers many benefits to your children. As they prepare for their readings, they begin to engage with the scriptures at a different level than they would by just reading them alone. Being a reader also allows children to take a leadership role in worship and to appreciate the Episcopal Liturgy. Readers at Good Shepherd may read scripture, lead the Prayers of the People, or lead the praying of the Psalm.

If your child is interested in sharing their voice with our congregation, contact Arden Larsen for more information. We will teach your children how to use our sound equipment, how to project their voice, and how to pace themselves to provide the best possible experience for them and the listening congregation.

Family sunday on Fifth sundays

Good Shepherd celebrates Family Sunday in months with fifth Sundays: coming up in 2024 on January 29, April 29, July 29, and September 30. We showcase our children and youth as leaders, giving them opportunities as readers, musicians, and even preachers!