Youth Ministries Update

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I am excited to say that after months apart our youth group is now meeting in person once again. We are taking every precaution to keep everyone safe. We are meeting outside, we are wearing masks, and keeping 6 feet apart. Our in-person meetings will be every other week on Sundays from 6:30-8 pm. On off weeks we will still meet on Zoom, Sundays at 1 pm (this is a great option for anyone that is not comfortable meeting in person). 

Youth group will be a combination of formation time and games. Our formation this summer will be focused on allyship, which is the practice of emphasizing social justice, inclusion, and human rights. We are learning to "Be The Church" and care for the marginalized in our community. 

I am also thrilled to announce that Liv Hornsby will be joining us as a Youth and Family Ministry Intern upon her return from Germany! Her enthusiasm for our Episcopal tradition and her creative spirit are truly a blessing. 

Lastly, incoming 6th graders are welcome to join us starting in August! Summer is the perfect time to get to know everyone and get a feel for the group. 

Please email me with any questions at