Men's Group Meetings in August

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The Men’s Group meetings in August will continue to be held via Zoom meetings on Saturday, August 8 and August 22 beginning at 7:45 am. This has been and will be our main method of maintaining our meetings throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. If interested, information relating to the Zoom meeting logins can be obtained by contacting Pete Roden at

The topics for the month will surround a review/conversation on Chapter 5, “Philip – Learning to Trust” and Chapter 6, “John – Seeking to Be the Greatest” within the book entitled “The Twelve Disciples” from the Life Guide Bible Studies written by Douglas Connelly. Note, each session stands on its own, so those interested can attend any one of the individual sessions and maintain the overall theme, even if you miss one or several meetings. Mark your calendars and please join us on August 8th and or the 22nd for conversations relating to these interesting topics. We welcome men new to the Church and/or those having an interest in the Men’s Group.

Thanks for your interest and we look forward to seeing you at one of our upcoming meetings!