Children's Ministries Update

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Every Sunday afternoon, at 3:00 pm, I host a Sunday school time for the kids. Everyone is invited to join via the Zoom link below! I miss seeing the kids in person, but this is the next best thing right now as we navigate COVID-Land. I am looking into curriculum options that will be better suited for remote Sunday school, since Godly Play is based on a hands on teaching method and I am learning that it doesn’t lend itself to fully engaging the kids when used remotely. This will be a temporary change. Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 1085 8056

This summer, we’ll be using a quarantine-friendly online VBS called BOLT. With minimal preparation, easy-to-follow instructions, and a video that leads you and your kids step-by-step through each of the 3 sessions, BOLT is designed for you to achieve this year’s VBS with your family at home, on your own time and schedule, instead of having a set timetable to adhere to. It’s so simple!

As you prepare for your first day of BOLT VBS, we want to give you some more details to help you and your family have the best possible experience. Ahead of time, go to the BOLT "Family Portal." In order to access the portal, you’ll need to enter the following password:

LETSBOLT (all caps).

Start by reading the "Parent and Leader Guide" ahead of time. The guide will answer so many of your questions and give you simple step-by-step directions for using BOLT. There are a few materials you’ll want to gather beforehand, but when BOLT begins, the videos will tell you what to do and when to do it. It really is easy!

The "Family Portal" also has all of the videos and documents you’ll need for each day. Be sure to read the games document ahead of time so you can be prepared. Then, when you’re ready to begin, simply go to the "Family Portal" and play the Day 1 video. The video will periodically tell you to pause in order to play a game, read from the Bible, or answer a question.

And remember, if you feel comfortable gathering with more people, you can invite as many neighbors, friends, and family to your house for BOLT as you would like. It’s such an easy and fun way to share the good news of Jesus with our community.

Lastly, take lots of pictures! We’ll give you some opportunities to share them, just send them to In the meantime, let me know how we can help you. You and your family are going to LOVE THIS!