Thanksgiving Food Drive for Covenant Cupboard is November 7 & 8

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As we have done for several years, the Outreach Committee again this year will be supporting and asking for your support of Covenant Cupboard’s annual distribution of Thanksgiving meals.  Please see below for the list of items which the Covenant Cupboard would like to have donated. 

Given our current situation with COVID-19 and our inability to do things indoors at the church, we will be modifying the way we collect the food this year.  On Saturday, November 7 and Sunday, November 8, from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm each day, we will place the wicker baskets where food donations are normally made outside the front door of the church, and ask that people make their donations of food there.  Members of the Outreach Committee will periodically empty the baskets three or four times each day, so please don’t be discouraged if the baskets don’t seem as full as they have in previous years.  Please let friends and neighbors know about this opportunity as well, and thanks, as always, for your support.

Suggested items for donation:

  • Box/bag stuffing mix

  • Canned vegetables (green beans, peas, corn)

  • Canned yams

  • Canned pumpkin

  • Canned cranberries or cranberry sauce

  • Canned or packaged turkey gravy mix

  • Packaged side dish: (rice mix, mac n cheese, applesauce)

  • Dessert items (packaged cake, pie, pudding)

For more information about Covenant Cupboard, please visit their website at