Stewardship Campaign Update – Commitment Sunday is November 8

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Commitment Sunday for our 2021 Stewardship campaign will be November 8.  As of this writing, Good Shepherd’s leadership has made 34 Pledges for $140,650 as we move toward our goal of 170 Pledges for $500,000.

We are excited for this Stewardship Campaign as we begin to write a visioning statement for Good Shepherd as our role in the Priest-in-Charge process with Fr. Gary.  2021 promises to be an exciting year as our parish leadership and Fr. Gary begin and complete the discerning process to call our next Rector.         

In our mailing to you with the cover letter, the campaign brochure, and the pledge card, we also enclosed a stamped envelope to mail your pledge back to Good Shepherd.  You can also pledge online through the Good Shepherd website.  We are asking all parishioners to return the pledge card as soon as possible.  If for your own reasons you are unable to pledge for 2021, we have included a space to indicate that you will not be pledging and we are asking that you send those pledge cards back to Good Shepherd.  This will save us considerable time, as we know your intentions, and we will not need to continue to follow up with you.

We are pleased to have had three speakers this year in October at our Zoom services to share what Stewardship means to them and their families.  The video messages were very inspiring this year, and we made them available in our Weekly E-News in addition to our Zoom services, so that everyone had a chance to see them.  We also have 20 individuals that are serving as Ambassadors to make calls, send thank you notes and help with follow-up.  We believe that prayer is an especially important part of our Stewardship Campaign and we have a 15-member prayer team praying for the stewardship campaign daily.  Our Stewardship team is listed below, and they are coordinating the overall Stewardship Campaign.

If all this Stewardship work sounds like fun to you, we are looking for 2-3 new members for the Stewardship Committee for 2021.  Please let Fr. Gary, Jim Wolfe or Anne McMahon know of your interest.  The Stewardship Committee meets monthly year-round.  We all need to remember that Stewardship includes everything we do at Good Shepherd.