Bible 101 Returns for the Month of November with The Rev. Merrie Need

The Adult Forum (Sundays at 10:15 am on Zoom) will study the opening chapters of the Book of Samuel. We will discuss the how the Book may have been assembled and edited. We will introduce Samuel's many roles within the book: The last of the judges, the first of the prophets, high priest, and kingmaker. We will also examine him as a reluctant agent of change who helped move Israel from a collection of tribes to a unified nation under a monarchy.

This Sunday we will begin with the story of Hannah whose "womb was closed" until she prayed for a child while worshipping at the tabernacle at the Shiloh, promising to consecrate the child to God. We will introduce Eli, the high priest, and his disreputable sons, and, time permitting, learn how Hannah fulfilled her promise by giving her young child into Eli's care to be trained as a priest. 

Join us during the Faith Forum hour on Zoom starting this Sunday!