Good Shepherd’s organ is completely paid off!


What a great church we have at Good Shepherd!

We started a campaign 18 months ago to raise money for a new organ to replace the antiquated instrument. And you did it! Not only did we raise the $65,000 for the organ, order it, and receive it, but we added three speaker cabinets that look as if they were part of the original plan of the church. And while we were at it, we remodeled the choir loft. All of this added up to almost $20,000 over and above the cost of the organ itself.

Thanks to Curt Watson, this installation cost was kept to a bare minimum for what we received. There had to be new wiring, new cabinets, new choir steps, carpeting, wooden railings, etc. Curt did much work himself and was able to get other contractors to discount much of their work, holding this cost down considerably. Please thank Curt when you see him for all of his devotion to the organ installation.

I am happy to announce that after our organ concert and our holiday bazaar, the ORGAN IS TOTALLY PAID OFF!!! So many of you in the congregation had a part in this endeavor. Please know that your support of the organ project means a state-of-the-art installation with sound second to none in a church our size. This organ will serve Good Shepherd for many, many years to come.

P.S. I knew this was a good church when I came to serve you as choir director several years ago. You all continue to amaze me with your dedication to serve.