“Love in Service” Stewardship Campaign Update

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As you know, we are concluding our 2020 Stewardship Campaign. We had hoped to be done by December 16, but we still have about 13 potential pledges outstanding and therefore have extended our deadline to January 1, 2020. We are very pleased with the generosity of the pledges received: we have received 152 pledges for $447,012 for an average $2941 per family/individual. Our goal has been 170 to 175 pledges this year for the 2020 Stewardship Ministry.

As you may know, a little over 85% of our income for our budget comes from your pledges. After the first of the year, we will build a budget based on pledges received, and will present it to the congregation at our annual meeting on January 26, following a single service at 9 a.m. We hope you will attend that meeting to hear an update on Good Shepherd’s Ministry.

Pledge cards are available as you enter Good Shepherd on the Newcomers table off to your right. Pledge cards can be placed in the collection plate on Sundays, mailed to the Church or you can make your pledge online right now by clicking here.

We appreciate your investment of your time, talent, and treasure in the ministry of the Good Shepherd family.

With all good wishes for a blessed and happy 2020.