Walking the Way of Love: a report on the Episcopal Church Colorado Convention 2019


The 132nd Annual Episcopal Colorado Convention was held October 3-5, 2019. Good Shepherd had several parishioners attend as delegates to represent the best interests of our parish. The following article describes their experiences at the convention.

There are so many wonderful things about being a delegate at convention. There is an inspiring and beautiful worship service with Bishop Kym Lucas, visiting with Episcopalians from all over Colorado, and electing deputies to national convention. One of the very best parts is learning of the many ways our church helps the people of Colorado and other parts of the world. In exchange, we have a responsibility to share what we learned with our fellow members of Good Shepherd.

This year's convention theme was “Walking the Way of Love.” Our Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry encourages all Episcopalians to adopt this practice. There are seven parts -- "Turn, Learn, Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, and Rest". From the keynote speaker, to the worship services, to the workshops -- all were intertwined with the theme.

Each delegate can attend three breakout sessions:

Donna White attended "Radical Welcome: Building Bridges to the Center" (Bless), by Michael Green and Anthony Suggs. This session focused on remembering that every person is a gift, and we are called to love and respect one another. "Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Go and live like Jesus" (Go) where we learned about El Hogar in Honduras, which was established as an Episcopal Mission in 1979 and provides quality education and a safe and nurturing home to boys and girls living on the streets. "Go Forth Using Power With Love" (Go) by Dr. Cedar Barstow and Student Rabbi Charna Rosenholtz, focused on how Jesus walked the way of love, using his power, by listening deeply.

Deborah Sampson attended “Silence, Service, & Solidarity” (Pray) by two contemplatives which guided us through several methods of silent prayer. Deb also visited with a representative of Daughters of the King about possibly reactivating our chapter. “Pray With Your Phone: Photography as Spiritual Practice” (Pray) was the work of Rev. Rebecca Crummey who gives each new Episcopal Service Corps member a disposable camera to record God working through their year, Rev. Brian Winters, a former photo-journalist who demonstrated his photo meditation on doors; and Dick DeVries, author of Contemplative Vision, Photography as a Spiritual Practice. Deb is incorporating what she learned in her personal spiritual practice and will be inviting you to join her. Deb, Jim Wolfe, Nan Behringer, and Becky Beall-Moore attended “Reclaiming Sabbath as Spiritual Practice” (Rest) which challenged us to incorporate this ancient practice in our lives.

Other sessions delegates attended included “Engaging Head & Heart: Owning Our Relationship with Money” (Turn) – Jim Wolfe, “Faith in Motion” (Turn) -- Mike Marfia, “Pilgrimage as Prayer in Movement” (Pray) – Rev. Gary Brower & Nan Behringer, “Mission Beyond Ourselves: Mission Ministries” (Go) – Mike Marfia, and “Legacy Giving: Ministry for Generations” (Bless) among others. If you are interested in learning more about Convention 2019, visit Episcopal Church in Colorado where you can watch videos of all the general session presentations (we particularly recommend the keynotes by Rev. Dr. Patricia Lyonsor, or talk to one of your delegates: Donna White, Becky Beall-Moore, Deb Sampson, Nan Behringer, and Mike Marfia. Jim Wolfe attended as a member of the diocesan standing committee, and Rev. Gary Brower and Rev. Merrie Need attended as clergy.