Why you should consider serving on the Vestry

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There are many gifts with which we can serve God and Good Shepherd. Just as Altar Guild serves with reverence for the Eucharistic meal and musicians offer their talents, vestry members have gifts for seeing the big picture, balancing competing interests, protecting the assets of our parish, etc. Why serve on vestry? Because you have these gifts and you want to share them.

The vestry is like a board of directors for our church. Our vestry prayerfully considers how we can best serve God and the community, both the membership community and the larger community. Vestry members meet monthly and once or twice a year in retreat. Members also participate in the Grow, Serve, Celebrate and stem teams.

Vestry members serve three year terms, must be nominated to serve, and then the congregation votes to elect the new members at our Annual Meeting in January. Feel free to ask vestry members what it is like to serve in that role. That might be part of your discernment process along with prayer and sitting in silence.

For details about the nomination process, contact one of the newly named nominating committee members: Suraya Bowermaster, Kaitlyn Bridgers, or Deborah Sampson.