Congregational Care Ministry seeks volunteers


Calling all Shepherds!

The Congregational Care Ministries (CCM) is seeking volunteers to be Shepherds to our Congregation! The Shepherds are members of a ‘faithful contact’ team dedicated to keeping in touch with an assigned portion of our congregation. The mission is simply to maintain contact with all the families in our flock, to be sure that Good Shepherd is aware of needs that we may be able to assist in addressing.

When making occasional calls on your assigned list of families, you will be asking what the church can do for them, not what they can do for the church. Needs or concerns that might arise can then be passed on and addressed by other ministries in our church, or the Clergy, as appropriate.

Orientation and training will be scheduled when we have gathered our volunteers.

Many hands make light work!

If you are interested or have questions, please contact the CCM members, Greg Bell, Karin Elsen, Bev White or Rev. Sandy Boyd.