Advent Faith Forum to offer two wildly different views of Jesus

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Beginning on the first Sunday of Advent, December 1st, Fr. Gary will offer a 3-session class addressing the question, “For WHOM are we preparing?” We will use, as a point of departure, The Meaning of Jesus, a book co-written by Anglicans Marcus Borg (former professor of New Testament at Oregon State University) and N.T. Wright (New Testament scholar and retired Bishop of Durham, England).  The fun thing about the book is that they represent opposite poles of theological understanding, Borg being more progressive and Wright being on the conservative side. Yet they were good friends, and their back-and-forth in the book makes for stimulating reading.

We will order 10 copies of the book, and make them available to the first folks who “sign up”.  The book, of course, is available through libraries and on-line in all formats: Kindle, Paperback and Hardcover (both new and used. 

The class will meet on Sunday mornings, from 9:00 - 9:45, on December 1, 15, and 22. (December 8 will be the Vivaldi Bazar!)