Little Lamb's Nursery

nursery baby, by, Serge Bertasius Photography.jpg

Welcome to Little Lamb's Nursery!

Our professional nursery attendant is Maddie McGrath. Maddie has extensive experience caring for infants and young children. Your children are important to us, and we strive to promote a loving and caring atmosphere.

The nursery is available from 10:15 am, until the conclusion of the service. Our nursery is designed to accommodate infants through 18 months and toddlers up to age three.

Nursery Policies

Our children's nursery is located on the main floor of the church. On entering the church turn left and the nursery is the last door on the right side of the main hallway.

When entering either nursery, please sign in your children and indicate any special needs which we should know about. There is a short form for first time visitors and also a permanent registration form for regular attendees. Please label diaper bags and bottles.

To pick up your children, a parent or guardian must come to the nursery and sign out the children.

We appreciate your help in assisting with these procedures.

For the well-being of all children, parents should only bring healthy children to the nursery. Any child who has experienced the following symptoms in the last 24 hours cannot be accepted into the nursery:

  • On antibiotics less than 24 hours,

  • Fever,

  • Diarrhea,

  • Vomiting,

  • Congested cough,

  • Runny nose with a cold, or

  • Pink eye.

Photo by Serge Bertasius Photography, coutesy of


Maddie McGrath
Nursery Caregiver