Youth Update for September


Here is our upcoming schedule for youth and family events.

September 6
We will have a guest speaker on ZOOM, Luke, who will talk about what it means to be a part of the LGBT community and ways to be a good ally. This is a part of our new curriculum on allyship and learning about marginalized groups.

September 13
To celebrate the end of summer, we will be having a water game day including tie-dye wars, water balloon toss, and the frozen t-shirt challenge.

September 19
Children, youth, and family movie night outside on the lawn.

September 20
Back on ZOOM, we will continue to learn about allyship with speakers from other faith backgrounds.

Social Distancing
We are doing our best to keep everyone safe at our meetings by meeting outside, keeping six feet apart, wearing masks and sanitizing regularly. We also only meet every other week to ensure there have been no break-outs within our youth group.