Outdoor Family Movie Night on Saturday, September 19

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We are so excited to announce that we are going to host an outdoor Family Movie Night on September 19, starting at 7:00 (or potentially 6:30, if there is enough shade on the wall so that the movie is clearly visible). Each family will bring their own blanket and masks are required as we socially distance on the west lawn. We are planning on having a shaved ice machine for refreshments. It will be a blessing to see families in person!


Every Sunday afternoon, from 3:00 to approximately 3:40, I host a Sunday school time. I start with a science/object lesson, followed by a Godly Play presentation and ending with a craft. Please have your kids utilize the other materials (activity and coloring sheets plus a video link for each week’s lesson) that I include in my weekly email either before or after our class time.

September’s presentations will be as follows:

  • September 6: Creation

  • September 13: The Falling Apart (Adam and Eve’s sin)

  • September 20: The Flood and the Ark

  • September 27: The Tower of Babel

I miss seeing families in person, but this is the next best thing right now as we navigate COVID-Land.

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87410858056

Meeting ID: 874 1085 8056


In case you haven’t taken advantage of this year’s online quarantine-friendly Vacation Bible School, please click here for all the information. I am asking the families who have enjoyed this time together to please let me know so that I can plan accordingly in the future.