Ringing Bells in CovidLand

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Everyone now has an opportunity to contribute to Good Shepherd’s music program when we can re-enter our building. As many of you are probably aware, the choir will be unable to return to singing for quite some time due to the COVID 19 restrictions. However, the bell choir will return in small groups (a maximum of four ringers). If you have ever been curious about what it is like to ring in a bell choir this is your chance. Everyone will use masks and gloves. Each ringer will provide their own mask. I will have clean gloves that will be washed every week. Each ringer will have only two bells that you will not share with anyone else. Your commitment will be for 4-5 weeks, enough time to learn one song and play it for a service. Depending on how many people will be able to be in the sanctuary, we will either ring “live” during the service or record our piece to be played during the service. I’m hoping that enough of you will volunteer so that we will have a new group of ringers every month. Of course, if you enjoy ringing, you can sign up for another piece. Some of the regular ringers will also prepare pieces that will be more complex than those you “newbies” will prepare. Please contact me if you are interested in trying handbells and helping us prepare music for our services. Let me know whether you can read music. The majority of music for small groups only uses the smaller bells, but let me know if you want the lightest ones. 

Contact me at hartmanpe@me.com.