Hungry Flock Looking for New Virtual Members

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Hungry Flock has been around since the church began over 40 years ago. And we, as originals, are not going to let a virus stop us from "gathering." Hungry Flock is a monthly dinner gathering of friends, new and old, who want to get to know each other better. We have historically met between September and May.

Although we won't be able to gather in person for the near future, we have come up with an alternate way to “get together" and invite everyone to join us. We will be moving to virtual Zoom gatherings for the time being starting in September and continuing monthly. We will gather in small groups thus allowing people to chat and share as we would if we were gathering in person. You are welcome to join us for conversation and catching up, with or without a beverage and/or snack of your choice, for about an hour on a Saturday night. The times and dates will be determined when we know how many people are interested in joining. There is no commitment to join every month—feel free to join one or a few or all of them.  

Please email us at if you want to receive the email to join us moving forward.

We look forward to getting together with all of you.