Outreach Committee Update

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We are continuing our efforts to find, both in terms of giving and in providing volunteer opportunities for members of the Congregation, organizations closer to home with whom we can establish relationships. We aren’t necessarily going to focus exclusively on our own neighborhoods in every case, and we don’t intend to disrupt existing relationships with organizations like St. Francis or St. Clare’s, but we do feel like identifying opportunities in this part of the metro area would give parishioners more opportunities to participate in “hands on” volunteer activities, and might help Good Shepherd reach out in communities where it is more likely to be recognized.

One of those organizations we have identified is Project C.U.R.E., which has a large warehouse in Centennial. Project C.U.R.E. uses that warehouse to sort donated medical supplies that are delivered to more than 130 developing countries. Among the individual opportunities available for volunteers are sorting medical supplies, loading, unloading and packaging medical supplies for shipment, drivers for picking up donated supplies at local medical offices and facilities, and some office work. Project C.U.R.E. also offers group volunteering opportunities. Its website is projectcure.org/denver.

That is an example of the type organization we are looking for—once we learn a bit more about Project C.U.R.E., we will follow up with thoughts on a group opportunity and perhaps an invitation to someone from that group to come to the church and explain to us in more detail what they do and what kind of volunteer opportunities they provide. In addition, we will provide additional information on how individual parishioners can contact Project C.U.R.E. if that appeals to them.

Look for ongoing updates on other organizations we identify who might fit the profile. In addition, please let any of the members of the Outreach Committee (Fr. Gary Brower, Shelley Hitt, Joyce Manning, Sherri Hesen, Jo Ann Schomerus, Kip Travis, Liz Peel, Sally Van Welden and Randy Hubbard) know if you have thoughts about organizations or causes in our neck of the woods (generally—and broadly—Highlands Ranch, Parker, Centennial, Englewood, Littleton, Castle Rock and Aurora, as well as SE Denver) that might fit the bill. Thanks.