Lenten Quiet Morning scheduled for Saturday, April 4, 9 am to noon

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Come prepare for Holy Week at our Lenten Quiet Morning scheduled for Saturday, April 4, between 9 am and noon at Good Shepherd. In addition to offering a space for prayer and reflection in our chapel, and a labyrinth for walking, the morning will feature seven interactive candle stations based on the Way of Love, a practice to live a Jesus-centered life.  

Episcopal Presiding Bishop Michael Curry describes the Way of Love as following “the deep roots of our Christian tradition.”

As you journey from station to station, you build a candle.  Each Way of Love station asks you to take a piece of the candle and offer a reflection:

Turn: Jesus' constant invitation to us is to turn from sin and death and to walk in abundant Life.

Learn: Jesus' invitation to follow him means that we are called to be his disciples, his students, to learn from him and to put his teaching into practice.

Worship: At the heart of God's mission is a praying church who bear witness to the resurrection by gathering to share the gifts of God with one another.

Pray: Jesus models for us what it looks like to live a life that is perfectly attuned to God. This level of relatedness and awareness can be cultivated when we engage in the practice of prayer on a regular basis.

Bless: Jesus attracted a crowd everywhere he went because he demonstrated a ministry of blessing. To follow Jesus is to seek to be a blessing to other people for no other reason than we have been richly blessed ourselves.

Go: Part of what made Jesus so dangerous was his commitment to cross borders and margins for the sake of the kingdom of God.

Rest: One of the strongest commandments from scripture is the commandment to rest. In an era of endless consumption, the message is we are beloved simply because we are.

The Lenten Quiet Morning’s open format allows for a wonderful opportunity to do as many or as few activities as you choose. Come at any time after 9 am and stay as long as you wish.  We welcome families and youth to this event and will have child-friendly stations for the youngest.