New Organ Fund getting close to its goal


As of mid-January our New Organ Fund has had wonderful support from the Good Shepherd community.  Over 60 families have donated and the total is at almost $40,000 of the $65,000 that we need to raise.  We had tremendous participation in our “Bux” Bazaar in December with about $4500 in proceeds going to the organ fund. 

Over 50 artisans participated by donating items.  All of the draw knobs are now “owned” by our donors.  But, we have lots of black notes on the keyboards, pedal notes, and many sound palettes just waiting for your sponsorship. 

If you have already donated, thank you, thank you!  If you would like to help us get to the final amount so that we can get a wonderful new organ, please see the poster in the hall at the church or contact the church office.  Any amount will help toward our goal.  We would love to have this money in place in the next couple of months so that we can order the organ and have it installed by the end of spring.  If you have questions, please contact Connie Branton ( or Stephen Fiess, organist.