"The Meaning of Jesus" Faith Forum extends into January

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You asked for it!!  More Marcus Borg and NT Wright!

Beginning on the first January, the 5th, Fr. Gary will offer three more sessions from The Meaning of Jesus, a book co-written by Anglicans Marcus Borg (former professor of New Testament at Oregon State University) and N.T. Wright (New Testament scholar and retired Bishop of Durham, England).  The fun thing about the book is that they represent opposite poles of theological understanding, Borg being more progressive and Wright being on the conservative side. Yet they were good friends, and their back-and-forth in the book makes for stimulating reading. 

In December, we were only able to get to three out of eight sections in the book. In January we’ll read sections 4 (“God Raised Jesus from the Dead”); 5 (Was Jesus God?) and 8 (Jesus and the Christian Life).  

The books are available through Amazon, or, perhaps from your library (either hard copy or through Hoopla or Overdrive).

The class will meet on Sunday mornings, from 9:00 - 9:45, on January 5, 12, and 19.