From Fr. Gary: With 20/20 Vision

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I can’t remember where I saw it, but someone suggested that television host/personality Barbara Walters ought to be the host of the “ball drop” in Times Square for this New Year's Eve. Then, at the stroke of midnight, she could say “I’m Barbara Walters and this is 20/20” — a reference of course, to the ABC evening news magazine that she (co-)hosted for so many years. I never really watched it, but the idea made me smile . . . and made me think.

"20/20,” as a television show, like other newsmagazines, features in-depth story segments, human interest stories, and, sometimes international or national stories. The “20/20” name, of course, referred to the “standard” measurement of “normal” vision. And there seems to have been a tacit understanding that looking back at a story would allow the news-folks to do so with “20/20” vision, that is, with clarity and without having to do any fuzzy forecasting. 

"20/20,” as a metaphor for Good Shepherd works pretty well, too (as I “see” it). During 2019, we engaged in our own “news-gathering” efforts (as part of the Priest-in-Charge process). We did a deep dive into our history, into the stories that have shaped us. And we came out of that with a “Discovery” document that summarizes “Who and Where We Are” (the document can be found here: If it were translated into a video format, it could almost look like a segment of “20/20.” 

But "20/20” as a year, and an image, works equally well as we look forward! Following upon our conclusion of the “Season of Discovery” is the next stage of Priest-in-Charge process:  the “Season of Visioning.” Our charge is to take what we’ve learned about what brought us to 2020 and to discern where God is calling us next. This, to me, is terribly exciting! We have such great base upon which to build! We are seeing and feeling new energy in all areas of the congregation’s life. And we are in a part of the metropolitan area that is seeing growth in population, but also in need; our mission-field is fertile.

So, let’s let the visioning begin! There will be many ways to participate. We’ll be asking questions, seeking input. We’ll be making decisions — perhaps not always easy ones. But the more engagement, the closer we’ll get to a "20/20” view into God's future for us!  I will announce a "Visioning Team" at the Annual Meeting on January 26! If you’re interested in being a part of it, please let me know!