Sunday Coffee Hour in need of volunteers


Happy 2020 from your Coffee Hour Crews!

We have enjoyed creating coffee hour time for Good Shepherd over the past years and look forward to keeping this vibrant ministry thriving in 2020--but we need some help! Both services would like to add one or two more "crews" to the calendar so that no one serves more than once a month; ideally, we would like to have hosts/hostesses serve every 6-8 weeks. That has not been the reality for over a year, and we don't want this ministry to become a chore to the existing volunteers.

Please take the step in 2020 to become a host/hostess! This is a great ministry for families, singles, and friends! Training is minimal; we will pair you with experienced hosts/hostesses to learn the ropes. The time commitment is an extra hour to hour and a half on your Sunday -- time that is greatly appreciated by the congregation.

Contact Liz Peel with any questions about joining this ministry--I look forward to hearing from YOU!