Changes to Prayers of the People


I’ve heard several questions along the lines of “Why aren’t we praying for . . . anymore?”  I had also heard questions about “Why aren’t we prayer for . . .. at all?” So, in conversation with several folks, we decided on a rotating schedule for our “internal prayer intentions.” This will allow for more folks to receive our regular prayer attention, without unduly lengthening the weekly prayer list. 

The Sunday BEFORE the Outreach Committee meets (i.e., first Tuesday):  

Prayer for our Outreach ministries and our missionaries

The Sunday BEFORE Stewardship and Finance Committees meet (i.e., second Monday and Thursday)

Pray for our staff, those who tend to our finances, and those who maintain our buildings and grounds

The Sunday BEFORE the Vestry meets (i.e., third Tuesday)

Pray for the Good Shepherd Vestry, our associate clergy

The Sunday BEFORE the GROW team meets (i.e. fourth Tuesday)

Pray for our children, youth and music ministries. We pray too, for those who serve at the altar, who greet our visitors and provide hospitality.

If you have any questions/concerns, please let me know!