Congregational Care Team offers soup, one-on-one visits and Tai Chi


The Congregational Care Ministry committee (Karin Elsen, Jr. Warden, Bev White, The Rev. Sandy Boyd, Greg Bell, Nan Behringer, and Duane Namaksy) continues to work on ways we can all care for each other. Here are upcoming events and information about on-going care in our church. You can always contact us with requests or questions, and to volunteer, at

The Utility Ministry announces the advent of its Comfort Soup Ministry. We have been stocking one and two-serving containers of homemade soup in our basement freezer which we take to members of the parish on visits. If you are someone who likes to make soup, or doesn’t consume all the soup you make, please consider making some for us! Contact Duane or Nan for details.

The Presence Ministry is having a training program for those of you who want to volunteer your time by being a spiritual presence for congregation members. These spiritual caregivers will provide their time to be with members in time of need. This would include prayer and presence for those members who might be experiencing surgery, illness, loneliness and other needs. The spiritual caregivers will make hospital calls, telephone people in need of contact, and meet one-on-one with persons needing a listening ear and offer support for grieving families. The Presence Ministry Training will be on Jan 11th at 9:30 in the Chapel. Please contact Beverly White if you are interested in attending this training. You can reach Beverly at

The Activity Ministry will host a “Tai Chi Come & See” demonstration by Faith Gregor, a certified tai chi instructor, on January 19, 2020 after the 10:00 a.m. service. This opportunity is open to all – including families and youth. Harvard Medical School reports that there is growing evidence that this mind-body practice, which originated in China as a martial art, has value in treating or preventing many health problems. And you can get started even if you aren't in top shape or the best of health. Look for more details in January.