Comments on the sound of our new organ


Thanks again so much to all who have donated so generously to the fund for our new organ!

I have heard many positive comments from Good Shepherd parishioners regarding the sound quality and variety of sound made available by our new instrument.

I have also heard a few less positive comments about the new instrument, and the Good Shepherd staff is taking those into consideration. I will be experimenting with a less "reedy" sound, to cut down a bit on the organ's intensity of sound.

For anyone who might be experiencing an overbalance of higher sound frequencies, I have been told that turning down a hearing aid (for members who use hearing aids), may alleviate that concern.

Also, I would encourage members to experiment with sitting in different places in the church, until they find the place that works best for them, as the acoustics are not uniform throughout the sanctuary.

We hope to make the new instrument an enjoyable experience for everyone!