“Pulling out all the stops” – an update on our new organ and dedication concert on Friday, November 22


Good Shepherd’s new Rodgers electronic organ made its debut at the morning worship services on Sunday, September 22nd.  Many parishioners have commented about how much they like the new organ; and I have also noticed that the singing of the congregation has become stronger and more energetic since the new organ was installed!

Our new organ has many advantageous features.  Our new organ has a rich variety of sounds, most of which have been digitally sampled from pipe organs, to recreate as closely as possible, the sound of an actual pipe organ.  Many different sounds can be employed by pulling out knobs called “stops”, hence the phrase “pulling out all the stops,” which is now generally used to mean “going all out”!  In addition to the traditional pipe organ stops, this organ has MIDI (musical instrument digital interface), which makes available another 231 sounds at the turn of a dial (sounds that include theatre organ sounds; orchestral sounds, like the oboe; harpsichord and piano sounds; and a huge number of other sounds).  This organ has three keyboards, which allows for more possibilities of contrasting sounds, and which makes possible performance of organ pieces that were beyond the range of our previous organ.  Having speakers on both sides of the church (20 speakers, as compared with the previous four) allows for antiphonal (back and forth) sound, as well as stereophonic (surround) sound.  Technology has come a long way in the 35 years since our previous organ was purchased!

Our previous organ has found a new home at Good Samaritan Episcopal Church in Gunnison, Colorado.  This congregation was very excited to receive our previous organ, which will replace a Hammond home organ in their sanctuary.

A multitude of thanks to all those who contributed to Good Shepherd’s organ fund!  Special thanks to Connie Branton, our choir director, for all of her fund-raising efforts!

We owe a huge debt of gratitude to Good Shepherd parishioner Curt Watson, who donated his time and expertise for months, in order to get the choir loft remodeled; and to get the new, beautifully designed speakers installed.  Thanks to all who assisted him, including Bob Rae; Bob’s sons, Aaneer, Aazer, and Aasal; Whitney Hill; John Stratford; and the members of Good Shepherd’s Men’s Group.

We are going to have two more fund-raisers to finish paying for the costs associated with remodeling and electrical work to accommodate the new instrument.  A freewill offering will be taken at the Organ Dedication Recital on Friday, November 22, at 7 p.m. (mark your calendars and bring your friends to hear Rick Seaton, outstanding organist and Rodgers representative, showcase our new instrument).  A bazaar will also be held after the morning services on Sunday, December 8th!  (To donate arts and crafts for the December 8th bazaar, please contact Connie Branton).

If you haven’t already done so, come celebrate with us and enjoy the sound of Good Shepherd’s new organ!