Goals for this year’s Love in Service Stewardship Campaign

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The Stewardship Committee, our Vestry and our Rector have set a high goal for our 2020 Stewardship Campaign! We are hoping for pledges of $550,000.

There are many exciting areas that this goal encompasses:

 1. We desire to maintain and adequately compensate our staff –who represent and make possible our amazing worship and programs. (The staff has not seen a salary increase for four years)

 2. We hope to expand our Family Ministry programs as new families and children join our parish.

 3. We look to expand our youth program under the excellent leadership of Rachel Whipp.

 4. We have included some key maintenance projects in this budget, (such as resurfacing our parking lot, and beginning to replace our aging carpet in the parish hall and the hallways).

 5. We will continue to move toward fulfilling our pledge to the Episcopal Church in Colorado.

 We believe the goal is attainable, because Good Shepherd has a great history of rising to the occasion! In particular from 2011 to 2019 Good Shepherd has responded to our several Capital Campaigns over and above our operating budget with approximately $100,000 in additional giving per year. This is hard to believe but it is true:

1. Debt Mortgage Reduction –

from $750,000 to $30,000                  $720,000

2. Contribution to the Cathedral

Ridge Camp and Conference Center

Capital Campaign                                $40,000

3. New Organ and Installation            $85,000

4. Music with a Mission donations     $30,000                                                          

5. Basement Remodel                         $5,000

In addition, the 2020 Stewardship Campaign, in agreement with the Vestry, has committed to no Capital Campaign in 2020 and, with the anticipated response from our parishioners, no Supplemental Campaign in 2020.

We really appreciate all of our parishioners who have kept their pledges current in 2019, as we have dealt with three plumbing disasters in the basement as pipes broke, with a $5000 deductible for each. Your Finance Committee and your Vestry have done wonderful work maintaining a balanced budget.

We will have our ingathering of pledges for our 2020 Stewardship Campaign on November 10 at all three services and we will celebrate with a breakfast after the 7:45 AM service, a light lunch after the 10 AM service, and a special dessert after the 6 PM service.

Working together as a family and a parish community we can achieve this goal and continue our exciting ministry as we grow and do our Lord’s work at Good Shepherd.

Your Stewardship committee – Jim Wolfe (Chair), Keith Anderson, DeeDee Atwood(communications) Nan Behringer, Tom Billing, Rev. Gary Brower, Griffin Bridgers, Andy Folkerth, Anne McMahon, Joe Namaksy