A new organ for Good Shepherd


Why do we need a new organ at our church?

Here are a few of the reasons that we would like to invest in a new Rodgers organ for our parish. The organ at Good Shepherd is 35 years old. (Imagine using a computer that is that age!!!) The organ has served us well but, several of the notes on the keyboards now do not work consistently. The sound palette is VERY limited, basically one sound. None of the pistons which are built to change settings will "capture and hold" a setting.

A new instrument will complement our growing music program. New digital organs can make a multitude of sounds, imitating an entire orchestra and more. The new organ will also have several speakers instead of just two. As was communicated to me by one of our congregation, Stephen is not fully able to use all of his talents because of the limitations of our present instrument.

We are looking to buy the organ in the next few months. The cost is about $65,000. We hope to raise this from parishioners who appreciate our music program and want the program to succeed even more with great organ music.

There is a poster in the church displaying a facsimile of the new organ. Several items that we would like you to consider helping with are sponsoring a drawknob on the organ for $500 each. Or you can buy a key or a sound in the digital library. We are suggesting a donation of $100 per key or sound. Of course, any size donation is gratefully accepted.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Connie Branton or Stephen Fiess.