In our new Sheepskin format for 2021, we will offer ministry updates in each edition. It is our sincere hope that you will learn more about the wide variety of ministries we offer, and be inspired to participate or volunteer in the future. This edition highlights some of Good Shepherd’s Small Group Ministries.
Community is an important part of a healthy church life, and despite being in COVIDland, Good Shepherd has continued to offer several small group ministries to help you develop personal connections. Small groups offer an opportunity to connect with a particular demographic sub-group of your congregation, i.e. seniors, men, foodies, those seeking “fun”, etc. You can learn, ask questions, involve yourself in the lives of others, and generally make yourself vulnerable among other people who are doing the same. That may seem like a given, but the bigger the group is, the less like community it feels. The kind of community I am advocating requires a level of intimacy easily lost as numbers grow.
So, check out what’s been happening with four of our small group ministries - Fun Committee, Hungry Flock, Senior Singles and Men’s Group. Information is provided below each entry if you are ready to take the plunge and join the group!
Group Leaders: Suraya Bowmaster, Kaitlyn Bridgers, and Deborah Sampson
Schedule: recurring dates
Tell us about your small group?
The Fun Committee was officially formed at last year’s annual meeting, when the three of us were sitting together and chatting about a small group that would offer fun events and fellowship for our parishioners. Our events have been centered around popular themes like sports trivia, cooking and wine, Halloween and Christmas. We try to offer events that alternate between adult and family friendly offerings. This way, every parishioner should be able to find at least one event that will appeal to them. You have the flexibility to come to just one event, or attend them all.
How has COVID affected your group?
When the committee was first formed, we had no idea that COVID was lurking around the corner. Initially, we wanted to have heavily attended in-person events, so when COVID hit, we had to totally change our game plan. We knew the only way forward was to utilize ZOOM meetings, so we got busy generating ideas that could be done virtually and still be fun for participants. The blessing was being able to involve not only members of our parish, but also experts from the community as we strengthened our relationships with Lukas Liquors and Rezdawgs Rescue Center. Parishioners have also had the chance to show their expertise by leading an event.
We are looking forward to more fun events in 2021, including a Souper Bowl with trivia and more food donations to Covenant Cupboard which has been serving many more families than ever before, a chocolate tasting where a local expert will talk about the health benefits of chocolate, and a Chinese New Year activity.
How can I join in the fun?
It’s easy to find out about our events by simply watching your Weekly E-News for information. Registration is usually required, so the ZOOM link for both the meetings as well as the registration will be sent several weeks before an event.
We welcome new members, either as a full member or as an expert to share at an event. Just contact Deb Sampson ( for more information or if you have questions. We hope to “see” you in the near future!
Group Leaders: Tricia Hartman and Amy McLaughry
Schedule: Monthly
Tell us about your small group?
Hungry Flock is Good Shepherd’s monthly “supper club.” Before COVID, we gathered monthly in the homes of parishioners, with participants taking turns hosting the group. As the host, you set the number of guests and the main course, and your guests will bring whatever you need to complete the meal. You also had the option of hosting your dinner from Good Shepherd’s parish hall. Hungry Flock is a great way to meet other members of the church that you normally don’t have the opportunity to connect with during church services. And, best of all, you could come home with great new recipes!
How has COVID affected your group?
We have continued to meet the second Saturday of the month throughout the pandemic, although now our meetings are by Zoom. Thus, we have missed sharing yummy food, but have been able to continue our fellowship, the most important part of Hungry Flock. We look forward to being able to meet in each other’s homes once again in small groups, hopefully, this fall.
How can I join in the fun?
Please contact Tricia Hartman at or Amy McLaughry at to join us. Everyone is welcome, including significant others who do not attend Good Shepherd.
Group Leader: Connie Branton
Schedule: Every Friday at 6 pm
Tell us about your small group?
Senior Singles of has been a close personal and active group at Good Shepherd for several years. Whether widowed, divorced or never married, if you find yourself single in these best years of your life, we encourage you to join us for our monthly meeting. Prior to COVID, we met in homes for food, fun and fellowship, and we even took several “road trips” to interesting places. These times together have created many new friendships, especially for those new to our church. People who are part of diverse groups in the church have a chance to connect with others who serve in different ministries. We also help out when special donations of funds or goods are solicited by groups in or outside of the church. For instance, we donated many dozens of cookies to a homeless shelter during the Christmas holidays.
How has COVID affected your group?
Unfortunately, the Covid pandemic curbed almost all of our in-person get-togethers after March 15th. We started ZOOM meetings almost as soon as the quarantine began, and these sharing times have continued every Friday evening at 6 pm to the present day. Sometimes the meetings feature a question which is answered by all, i.e. “your favorite vacation,” “most embarrassing moments,” “our animals,” etc. Other meetings consist of mainly checking in with one another, sharing thanksgivings or prayer requests for our families, friends, or ourselves. We also share favorite books, family visit reports, ways to handle getting groceries and other items, and tips for handling the isolation most of us feel.
Senior Singles very much missed meeting together so after a few months of the pandemic we got together for three in-person picnics in summer and fall. Each person brought their own food, chair, beverage, and wore a mask, or course. We all enjoyed seeing one another again. However, the weather in late fall and winter precluded further meetings face to face. We look forward to our famous dinner meetings when the weather improves and we have all had our vaccines.
How can I join in the fun?
People who consider themselves seniors (AARP says 50+) are invited to participate. Please contact Connie Branton ( for more information, or just join us any Friday evening at 6 pm on ZOOM.
Group Leader: Pete Roden
2nd and 4th Saturdays at 7:30 am
Tell us about your small group?
The Men’s group is built on three principles; prayer, study, and service. We completed our 35th year of meeting in 2020. Wow, 35 years, amazing isn’t it!! We meet twice a month on Saturday mornings for either breakfast or coffee and pastries along with our program. Our programs originate from the Serendipity Bible, Sunday scripture readings and book reviews. All program topics have studies standing on their own, therefore allowing attendees to miss a session without losing the overall theme.
We pray for and serve our parish and community by hosting several yearly events including the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper and the annual Parish Picnic, and we were proud to be involved with last December’s Living Nativity event providing assistance and set-up. In addition, we offer assistance with on-going maintenance/clean-up projects at the church, and we are involved with St. Clare’s ministry which serves the hungry in our community.
How has COVID affected your group?
With COVID-19 and the related restrictions in place, our involvement in community events has been curtailed, but we continue to meet twice a month via ZOOM meetings for study and fellowship. Unfortunately, were not able to have our annual Men’s Retreat generally held in February. We plan on resuming this special event in February/March of 2022.
We’re very proud of our activities and the contributions we make to and on behalf of Good Shepherd and we’ll continue to do the same in 2021, when and where we are able, while building support within our team.
How can I join in the fun?
We welcome any interested men of the church to join us via ZOOM meetings on our scheduled Saturday mornings at 7:30 am. Contact Pete Roden ( for more information and for schedule and ZOOM link.