HAAT Force Announces Fall Fundraising Campaign

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Greetings to Supporters of HAAT Force South Metro!

HAAT Force is getting ready for their severe weather season starting in October. They will be continuing their mission to provide motel shelter to families and people with disabilities experiencing homelessness. 

During the entire month of October, they will be having their virtual Fall Fundraising campaign! The fundraiser will help them ensure that they will be able to shelter families and people with disabilities through April 2021.

Financial donations from Good Shepherd have been very vital to the success of HAAT Force. They would like you to know that, “We value your participation in our vital community, in solidarity with our neighbors in need of shelter”.

With your help, during the 2019-2020 season they:

  • served 104 families with children, disabled adults and their pets: 35 men, 35 women, 34 children, 9 dogs and 1 cat. 

  • from mid-March to mid-May, continuously sheltered 33 people in response to the COVID-19 pandemic; thank you to the City of Englewood and Colorado Access for making this additional work possible!

  • with the generous support of individual donors, faith-based organizations and community partners, ended the season having provided 2,216 person-nights of shelter.

  • partnered with terrific community agencies - all the Change the Trend partners - who provided supportive services to our clients; we appreciate Littleton Rotary for their financial support!

Watch the weekly E-News for more information about HAAT Force, how you can contribute to their efforts and their upcoming silent auction!