St. Clare’s Ministries Update


I hope that this message finds you well! 2020 has been a hard year for so many and that extends to our unhoused neighbors who are facing more uncertainty than ever.

St. Clare's has continued to provide hot meals, clothing, and toiletries in a to-go capacity from the parking lot, as we learn new ways to fulfill our mission to provide dignity to those in need while keeping our guests and volunteers safe and healthy. Colder weather will provide additional challenges as we try to meet the needs of our guests.

Due to the pandemic and our commitment to keep our guests, volunteers, and donors safe, we are unable to have an in-person fundraiser this year, but that in no way means that we don't need continued financial support to keep serving and to do so exceptionally. So we hope that you will consider donating to our Go Fund Me page so that we can reach our $10,000 fundraising goal and continue in this work.

100% of donations will go directly to St. Clare's Ministries and will help ensure that we can provide services through the pandemic and beyond. The video at the top of the page shows what our current services look like with footage of our guests discussing how St. Clare's has continued to support them at this time.

We are so grateful to everyone who chips in to make St. Clare's what it is and keep our doors open for anyone who needs a brief respite from the harsh realities of poverty and homelessness.

Be blessed and be well my friends.