Connect with Your Faith During the Week!


As mentioned in Fr. Gary’s lead article, we’ve learned that a lot of faith-building and formation can take place away from Good Shepherd’s physical plant! And while several things were set in motion as “place-holders” until we returned, it’s clear that they can have a life of their own . . . and will need to have for some months to come. ZOOM has provided a (surprisingly) intimate way to connect and share!

One of the easiest ways to connect is in the morning (Monday through Thursday) with the Morning Sheep Count. The “room” opens about 8:30, and folks begin to gather and share goings-on, prayer requests, travel stories, faith dilemmas and more. At 8:55, we close the gathering with an abbreviated morning prayer office (slides provided); we’re done by 9am! Anyone is welcome. You don’t have to “be on time” (you can come just for the morning prayer)! You're welcome to come in your jammies and finish your breakfast! The ZOOM link is:

If early morning isn’t “your thing”, we’ve inaugurated “good night prayers” — formally known in the Episcopal tradition as “Compline". On Wednesday evenings at 8:45, various folks will lead these lovely end-of-the-day prayers. (As with the Sunday services, the slides are shown online, but the prayers will be available as a pdf as well). The ZOOM link is:

You can read more about Night Prayers in the article following this one.

AND, we’ve recognized that Good Shepherd doesn’t currently offer a mid-week Bible Study. We’re going to try something new for the fall (beginning on August 5): 

Gospel and Grub! 

At noon on Wednesdays, Fr. Gary will hold a discussion on the Gospel lesson for the following Sunday. The hour-long session will begin with brief noon-day prayers, and then move into conversation on the reading. Bring your lunch, your curiosity, your questions and enthusiasm (and your Bible if you want — although there will be slides of the reading)! Your insights will probably influence the direction of the sermon! The ZOOM link is:

All the people wanted was lunch. Jesus gave them something more ...

If you have questions on any of these, contact Fr. Gary!