Congregational Care Update

  • CCM has assisted with one congregational referral for help and has developed several projects addressing the health and welfare of the entire church. In May, CCM sponsored a Zoom Q&A session, “Being Well During Times of Change,” featuring experts Bev White, counselor, and The Rev. Canon Carl Andrews, Diocesan Disaster Relief Coordinator, speaking to life and church imbalances due to COVID-19. The recorded session can be found at

  • In June, CCM members prepared the on-line Season II Re-gathering Survey and analyzed survey responses. CCM is also working with others to identify and re-connect members who may be isolated from Sunday on-line worship for whatever reason.

  • As this goes to print, we will be waiving and saying hello in a car parade for our home-bound members who normally receive Eucharistic visits, as well as other parishioners who are resting at home at this time.  

As always, you can reach out to us at

Sound Body, Mind & Spirit

The Re-gathering survey results showed that personal safety during the pandemic is a common concern. As part of this ministry’s wellness initiative, we will continue to share relevant information about being safe: 

  • Experts tell us that good social behavior includes wearing a facemask, now and in the future when we regather. For people of faith, this behavior also reflects our core values in taking care of one another.  

  • As summer activities increase, some parishioners may be unsure of their own comfort level. The Colorado Department of Public Health has practical information to weigh the risks and benefits of certain activities like dining out and shopping, to help us make the best decisions for our own particular situation. More information is at

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  • The Episcopal Church in Colorado has suggestions for personal wellness in order to take care of ourselves so we can then reach out from a place of strength and resilience with care and love for others. These are found at

  • To feed your spirit and give you peace, join a short on-line Night Prayer (Compline) which continues through the summer on Wednesdays at 8:45 pm. More information and the link is on the church’s website.