August Parish Discussions to begin Sunday, August 9

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After "coffee hour” in August (starting Aug 9), the Transition Team is inviting YOU to participate in discussions designed to help the Team (and parish in general) develop our vision and mission for the next several years. Part of this is a piece of the Priest-in-Charge process. But part of it, too, is in realization that life post-COVID will be quite different than what is was at the beginning of 2020. Our hope is to have two discussions each Sunday (Aug 9, 16, 23, and 30). There will be a question for each “breakout room” (a feature of ZOOM we’ve not yet used), and you’ll be asked to choose one of those questions/rooms to join. The questions will be posted in the E-News the previous Thursday, so you’ll have time to consider a response, and make a decision which discussion to enter. It’s an exciting time, despite the challenges!