Sunday School News

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Starting March 1, Elaine Oxenbury is offering a 5-week (actual class time) Communion instruction series during the normal Sunday school class time.  This curriculum is a yearly offering in the 3rd-5th grade Sunday school class but is open to all children pre-k and above.  It is tailored to the needs of the child and will honor your child’s Communion experience, whether they have or have not taken Communion before. It is a preparation for the celebration of First Communion or a continuation of the exploration of the meaning of why we celebrate this Sacrament.  We will recognize the participants of this class and celebrate with those who will receive their First Communion at the service on April 26th at 10:00. Children don’t need to be baptized to be in the class, but in order for your child to receive Communion, they will need to be baptized. For more information on being baptized, please contact Rev. Gary.

During the 10:00 service on Easter, April 12, we are offering a children's choir which will be led by Connie Branton (our Choir Director). Rehearsals are downstairs on Sunday mornings from 10:20-10:30 on March 8th,15th, 22nd and April 5th, during our Sunday school time.  (A rehearsal will not occur on March 29 because of the family service.)  All kids and youth are welcome!

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Our annual Easter Egg Hunt, which we hold on Easter Sunday, continues. In order to have an abundance of eggs, we are asking families to donate plastic eggs filled with individually wrapped treats…PLEASE, NO PEANUT BUTTER PRODUCTS…or small stickers.  There is also a need this year for bags of small candy or a collection of small stickers that I can use to fill plastic eggs.   We would greatly appreciate a donation of one dozen eggs per child to ensure that we have enough on Easter Sunday for our church family and visitors.  There will be a large, labeled red collection bin just inside the church entrance March 22 through April 5.  Thank you so much in advance for your generous donations that make this fun event possible!

Please keep in mind that since March has five Sundays, on the 29th we have our youth/family service.  For this Sunday only, the kids will not meet downstairs, but enjoy this service in its entirety with their families.  On the first four Sunday’s in March, Sunday school will meet downstairs and then at approximately 10:35, we will process into the sanctuary so the kids can rejoin their family at the Peace, followed by the celebration of Holy Communion.

Sunday school begins at 9:45 every Sunday.  There is one Godly Play classroom, for children aged 3 years through 2nd grade.  Grades 3, 4 and 5 are using Living the Good News. 

The Godly Play classroom will have hands on presentations every Sunday in March, led by either Elaine Farrell, Susie Street, Emma Blackburn, Katie Blackburn or myself with either Jackie Algermissen, Sally VanWeldon, Emma Blackburn, or myself helping.  These presentations will include:

  • March 1st:  Mystery of Easter

  • March 8th:  Faces of Easter 1-3

  • March 15th: Faces of Easter 1-5

  • March 22nd: Faces of Easter 1-7

  • March 29th: Youth/Family service

Elaine Oxenbury is the faithful every week teacher in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade class and will present her 5-week Communion Instruction series throughout March 1, 8, 15, 22 and April 19.  (March 29 is the family service; April 5 is the Palm Sunday Liturgy and April 12 is Easter.)

Thank you for making church a priority and sharing your child with us on Sunday mornings.  We consider it a privilege to come alongside you as we together help your child along their spiritual journey.