Rite One Liturgy to be used during Lent

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"And with thy spirit!"

During Lent this year, the response to “The Lord be with you” will NOT be “And also with you”, but rather “And with thy spirit"! We will be using Rite One (BCP, pp. 323-340) for our worship at the 7:45 and 10:00 am services.

For those parishioners who are “long-time” Episcopalians, this may bring to mind the pre-1979 Prayer Book days, since Rite One is very similar to the 1928 Prayer Book services. For those parishioners who have only known Rite Two, what will be most apparent is the shift in language; it will feel very Shakespearian! The reason for the shift has less to do with “Lent = Penitential time = Rite One” (as is the rationale given in some churches), and more for the following reasons: (1) it is another option in the Book of Common Prayer, an option to explore, (just as Eucharistic Prayers A, B, C, and D are options); (2) some of the underlying theology is worth hearing/considering. Enter into the language. Perhaps God will speak anew through “old” words! (And, don’t worry about making a mistake . . . It’s all good!)