Annual Men’s Retreat scheduled for March 20-21

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The Men’s Retreat for 2020 will be held on Friday, March 20 and Saturday, March 21. The Friday session will take place at Good Shepherd from 6 – 9 PM with dinner and our evening program. The Saturday session will take place at The Pines at Genesee (about 30 minutes west just off I-70) from 8 AM – 4 PM.

This year’s theme is “Personal Forgiveness and Forgiveness of Others”. Our presenter is Rev. Carl Andrews, a parishioner at St. Timothy’s Episcopal Church in Centennial, a retired Military Chaplain, and the former Canon to the Ordinary for the Episcopal Church in Colorado. Rev. Andrews tag line he is using is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself”. I met with Rev. Andrews in early February and he is ready to go. We currently have 22 signed up for the Retreat and we hope to have 30 men on the Retreat.

The cost will be $75 and includes the handout for the weekend, dinner on Friday evening, breakfast and lunch on Saturday, and the rental fee for the Pines at Genesee, scholarships are available. A sign-up list is available in the Good Shepherd hallway or you can sign up with the weekly E-News. Questions? contact Jim Wolfe at