United Thank Offering (UTO) to be Collected in December


Not “despite” the pandemic this year, but because of the pandemic, the United Thank Offering of The Episcopal Church continues its 137-year-old tradition of practicing gratitude and helping ministries across the country and globe. 

From December 1-15, collection boxes, prayer books and other information will be available by contacting Karin Elsen (kjl.elsen@gmail.com) who will get it to you. 

You can turn in your completed box by contacting Karin for porch pickup or other exchange.  Added bonus this year - you can help lessen the coin shortage by returning your filled blue box!  As an alternative, you can fill your box with daily prayers and send an offering via check payable to Good Shepherd with UTO in the subject line.

We invite all to:

Notice the Good Things That Happen Each Day.

Give Thanks to God for Your Blessings.

Make an Offering to Your Blue Box for Each Blessing.

Your Small Blessings Become Big Blessings for Others.

In October, UTO awarded 26 special covid-impact grants, totaling $474,431.04, in the US and to ministries in Brazil, Ceylon, Guatemala, Jerusalem, and South Sudan.  More grants will be given next year.