Transition Team to Share Update on Priest-In-Charge Process


The “Why” of it!

Good Shepherd’s Transition Team (as part of the Priest-in-Charge process) is hard at work! One of the tasks the Team has been addressing has been the “Why” question. The “Why” question is a bit different than the standard “Mission” or “Vision”.  “Why” is our very purpose; the reason we exist. And, while every church can claim to exist for the sake of the spread of God’s realm, every church will do that a bit differently. On December 6, the 2nd Sunday of Advent, we will share our tentative “Why” with the congregation. Between now and then, take a look at this TED talk with Simon Sinek ( It will help explain the Why of Why!  (By the way, more information about the Priest-in-Charge process can be found here: .)