Good Book Club returns in January

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Join with other parishioners and begin 2021 with the Gospel of Mark! The Good Book Club returns to read the earliest and shortest of the four gospels, starting Friday, January 1, 2021, through Shrove Tuesday, February 16.

Mark opens with words from the prophet Isaiah: See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you,” and indeed the gospel itself serves as a messenger for the life and ministry of Jesus. Written around 65-75 CE, Mark proclaims the good news that Jesus is the messiah and Son of God.

As we did last spring, with the Gospel of Matthew, Fr. Gary will be offering a brief reflection on each day’s reading. This year these reflections will be posted to our FaceBook Group (sign up here), with the hopes that some conversation may arise. If you are not on Facebook, and would prefer to receive the reflections by email, please let Fr. Gary know.

A schedule of the readings can be found here: