Children’s Ministry Update for December

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Good Shepherd Christmas Pageant:

We are looking forward to engaging the children by creating a virtual Christmas Pageant. PLEASE let me know if you are interested in being a part of this.

Godly Play and Living the Good News are the two offerings for children on Sundays.

Sunday School for Grades 3 and up is held via Zoom every Sunday, from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Elaine Oxenbury hosts this meeting for kids from Grades 3 and up…middle school kids are welcome to join us. December’s Sunday school time will return to using the liturgical Living the Good News (meaning it follows what is being taught in the church service).

The lessons for December will be:

  • December 6th: Called to Repentance (John the Baptist appears in the wilderness proclaiming a message of repentance…Mark 1:1-8)

  • December 13th: Witness of the Worthy One (John the Baptist describes his ministry as one of preparation for God’s Messiah…John 1:6-8, 19-28)

  • December 20th: Mystery Revealed (The angel Gabriel announces the birth of Jesus to Mary…Luke 1:26-38)

  • December 27th: Jesus: Our Salvation (Joseph and Mary name the baby Jesus, the name given by the angel to Joseph…Luke 2:22-40)

Here's the link for the Zoom meeting:
Passcode: MissElaine

Every Sunday afternoon at 3:00, I host a Sunday school time. I start with a science/object lesson, followed by a Godly Play presentation and ending with a craft. Please have your kids utilize the other materials (activity and coloring sheets plus a video link for each week’s lesson) that I include in my weekly email either before or after our class time.

December’s presentations will be as follows:

  • December 6: Advent 2…The Holy Family

  • December 13: Advent 3…The Shepherds

  • December 20: Advent 4…Christmas and the Wise Men

  • December 27: The Mystery of Christmas