Changes to Sheepskin in the New Year


Our 2020 Communications survey pointed to the fact that there is content overlap between The Sheepskin and our Weekly E-News. It is our intention to have two distinct vehicles that each serve a different purpose. As a result, we will be going to a bi-monthly schedule for The Sheepskin (every other month). We hope to re-define the type of content we present to celebrate more in-depth information about the ministries and the life of our church in a more first-person narrative / storytelling style, rather than simply news reporting on an event/group/ministry. Specific information about up-coming events will now exclusively be presented in the Weekly E-News.

Issues of the new Sheepskin will be designed thematically and planned in advance, and I will be prompting ministry leaders to make submission for certain editions. The schedule for 2021 will be as follows:

  • February / March 2021 – Lent & Holy Week edition

  • April / May 2021 – Spring edition

  • June / July 2021 – Summer edition

  • August / September 2021 –

  • October / November 2021 – Stewardship / Advent edition

  • December / January 2022 – Advent / Christmas / Epiphany edition

    The deadline for the February / March 2021 edition will be coming up on January 15, so if you have story ideas, I would love to hear them!